Tl;dr - This game gets so pay to win that you basically cant remain competitive in any way without throwing money at it.
Ive been playing this game daily for about a month and a half. Ive spent minimal money on it, but have invested a few dollars here or there during promos. Im currently player level 34.
The game can be fun, and its core focus is building your city, leveling and recruiting heroes, and increasing your score by attacking others. You can join alliances and participate in alliance events for prizes. All this can be enjoyable, but the further you get the more heavily weighted the game becomes in favor of P2W players. I mean significantly. Basically:
- quests can take 3-5 days to complete. They are your main way of unlocking new levels and thus new buildings. You can wait for weeks just to unlock new building levels. Unless of course you pay to rush things.
- the heroes require you to recruit the same hero type to evolve. The minimum hero recruit time is 15 minutes, but you need 350 shards to fully evolve. You get 2 shards per summon. Some heroes take 20 hours to recruit. Do the math on that 175 shards x 20 hours = 3500 hours or 145 days. Oh and you get a 10% chance to even get the the rare unit, so see you in 2 years?! The only other way is, you guessed it, buy them with gems at around $20 for 100.
- they literally just posted a new hero and are charging $99. No joke, $99 for one hero.
All this plus more means Im done wasting my time on this game.
Raishi10 about StormBorn: War of Legends